Prevention and Healing

The StAR Lab investigates the psychosocial and cognitive benefits of various programs, including mindfulness training and peer-support social programing. 


Fiocco, A.J. & Hytman, L.* (2022). Preliminary Evidence for Lasting Benefits Following Mindfulness Training Among Family Caregivers of Persons with Neurodegenerative Disease. Mindfulness.  doi:10.1007/s12671-022-02005-3

Ueberholz, R.Y.* & Fiocco, A.J. (2022). The Effect of a Brief Mindfulness Practice on Perceived Stress and Sustained Attention: Does Priming Matter? Mindfulness, 13, 1757–1768. doi:10.1007/s12671-022-01913-8

Millett, G.*, D’Amico, D.*, Amestoy, M.*, Gryspeerdt, C.*, & Fiocco, A.J. (2021). Examining the Benefits of Group-Based Mindfulness Meditation Programs for Executive Functioning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Consciousness and Cognition. 95(1),  103195 . 

Fiocco, A.J.,  Millett, G.*, D’Amico,D.*, Krieger, L.*, Sivashankar,Y.*,  Seung Hwan (Mark) Lee, Lachman, R. (2021). Virtual tourism for older adults living in residential care: A mixed methods study. PLOSOne, 16(5): e0250761.

Millett, G.,* & Fiocco, A.J. (2020). A pilot study implementing the JAVA Music Club in residential care:
Impact on cognition and psychosocial health. Aging and Mental Health.

Mallya, S.* & Fiocco, A.J. (2019) The effects of mindfulness training on cognitive and psychosocial wellbeing among older family caregivers of persons with neurodegenerative disease. Mindfulness.

Fiocco, A.J., Mallya, S.*, Farzaneh, M.* & Koszycki, D. (2018). Exploring the benefits of mindfulness training in healthy independent community-dwelling older adults using a mixed methods approach. Mindfulness.

Mallya, S.* & Fiocco, A.J. (2016). Effects of mindfulness training on cognition and wellbeing in healthy older adults. Mindfulness, 7(2), 453-465.