

Speech/Song Database (RAVDESS)


The Ryerson Audio-Visual Database of Emotional Speech and Song (RAVDESS) contains 7356 files. The database contains 24 professional actors (12 female, 12 male), vocalizing two lexically-matched statements in a neutral North American accent…


Feature Finder


FeatureFinder is a free MATLAB tool that lets you organize your signals, visually review them with speed and ease, apply filters and normalization, and export meaningful signal features in a ready-to-analyze format…


Electrophysiology Tutorials


Watch the SMART lab’s instructional video tutorials on the use of: 

Facial Elecropmyography (EMG), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), Photoplethysmography (PPG), Respiration…


AIMS Scale


The Absorption in music scale is a 34-item measure of individuals’ ability and willingness to allow music to draw them into an emotional experience…



AMP Test


The Adaptive Music Perception (AMP) test is a a tool designed to assess important aspects of music perception in individuals with hearing loss…




The Emotional Communication in Hearing Questionnaire (EMO-CHeQ) is a reliable and ecologically valid measure that was designed to assess experiences of hearing and handicap when listening to signals that contain vocal emotion information…


Lab Wiki


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